How much feedback is too much?
When it comes to providing feedback it is often found that coaches (and teachers) often give more feedback than can be processed by players. This feedback can become cloudy when multiple people begin to give players different feedback on different information. It would seem that the best strategy for providing feedback is to limit the amount of feedback that is given to players in order to maintain a specific focus on the issue at hand.
Coaches are inclined to give more feedback to players during a training session than is probably appropriate. When giving multiple pieces of feedback to players it comes clear that their focus becomes divided and watered down.
Overwhelming players with feedback creates a conflicted mindset. They begin to ask questions like: Which piece of feedback is right? Who’s information is most helpful? How does this differ from other pieces of information that I have received? How do I make this fit what other people are telling me? The internal dialogue can become divided.
When working with a player it is best to have one or two items and provide targeted feedback on those limited pieces of information and have the players attend to those items without having to divided their focus. Having the discipline to limit yourself as a coach is a skill that is overlooked. This is not to say that we shouldn’t give feedback to players, but rather that our feedback is targeted and specific to what the players goals are.
The feedback that is given to players should be consistent for anyone who is working with the player. Everyone who has a stake in the players development should be on the same page with each player to not give feedback outside of a specific area of focus.
This is a really simple idea that can transform how players view their feedback from everyone. They are no longer getting different information from sources but rather a unified and consistent message. Along with creating clarity for the player it also reduces confusion and the potential of being overwhelmed about what is important for them to improve upon.
It is probably best to have a deep focus on two issues that the player needs to improve and focus about 95% of our feedback on those two different areas. This is where having a development plan for players is important it helps to create a funnel for feedback and information processing. If something happens that is outside of the plan we can make a mental note of it and refocus on what the ultimate goals are of players that we are helping. Ultimately providing limited feedback is about creating a more deliberate focus for both the player and the coach to use when training.